Many of you who have been long term followers know that I LOVE my yoga.
If you don't, here's a little rundown of my experience with yoga.
I took my first ever yoga class when I was about 13 years old at a Corepower studio in Denver, Colorado. I remember my sister had been visiting and she was a huge yogini and basically dragged me to go take class. I hated it as first because I thought the heat was actually going to kill me until about 3 classes in, then I fell in love. So much so that I had my Mom start integrating it into our dance studio as part of our training. It's a really great practice for dancers, because It strengthens all the opposite things you learn to strengthen in ballet.
When dancers turn out, yogis turn in. So,
fast forward 6 years. I'm in Los Angeles pursuing a career as a dancer and I realize I have been burning out. I started dancing as soon as I could walk and with my mom being my dance teacher and owning the studio, I practically lived in the dance studio. I did nothing else. So yes, I still loved dance and it will always be a part of my life and who I am, but I was ready for a change. I wasn't sure where to go, so the closest thing I knew that felt like a safe transition was yoga.
I hopped right into a yoga sculpt teacher training at Corepower in Studio City and It felt really good to learn how to command a room. I decided to do the Vinyasa teacher training right after! When I finished my trainings, I was teaching random drop in classes at studios that needed subs and little yoga classes to my friends in the park. Eventually, I got to go on tour with my boyfriend in Europe and I was lucky enough to round up some of his fans to go do yoga with me in whatever park was closest to the venue and my Mom helped me reach out to some of her friends she had met in the dance world to have me go teach at some dance studios.
This was one of the most eye opening experience of my life. I learned so much about Gratitude, loving yourself, and how to own your life. I know this may sound a little cliche but its true. I had to go through that to learn and grow to be where I am now. When I got back to the states I found my self looking for yoga teaching jobs and when I found them I was dreading teaching, all I wanted to do was take class and paint. Mind you, being an artist had never crossed my mind before. I spent my whole life painting and sketching in the back of my Mom's classes and helping my Mom pick out and design dance costumes.
So being on tour with the boys, I spent most of my time sketching.
This soon led to me creating my fashion label, Vannity and starting this blog!
Sorry, that was kind of my whole life story! I was just trying to give you a little recap of my yoga experience, but it turns out that me and yoga run pretty deep.
This is why I was so excited when Y7 asked me to do a blog about their studio.
I had taken one class at Y7 in New York about a year ago and I fell in love, but when I went back to California and realized they didn't have a studio I was so bummed. It wasn't until recently when I went to a Skybox event that I realized they had opened a few more studios!
I took a few classes at Y7 West Hollywood and I am so impressed.
Y7 is known for doing yoga with no mirrors to bad ass Hip Hop music. They heat their rooms with infrared heat,which I LOVE! Most places heat the rooms more like a sauna or a steam room which basically just blows hot air at you. The infrared technology heats you up from the inside out!
Most people, when they hear about the Hip Hop music, get a little worried. They tend to think "oh that sounds really stressful." I thought that too before I went to one of the classes. But they do a good job of having a good mix of HipHop that brings you through the slow, calm, relaxing moments to the heavy breathing, sweating hard moments when you really do need that extra push to get you through it.
The no mirrors is a blessing and a curse. I love that I can truly go into my body and feel all of the class, instead of looking at myself and judging but I also wish I could see what I needed to re align sometimes. I definitely think It is a great way to get yourself out of your head and into your body though. You really have to learn how to feel the things you need to correct and really listen to the cue the instructor is giving you!
Overall, I'm a HUGE fan of Y7. The only thing I wish they would do differently is add another location in the Valley, so I can go all the time!​
Here's a link to their website!
Go check and see if they have a studio near you. If you do I definitely would suggest checking them out and seeing if you vibe!