When To Show Up;
Ok, first of all, how close are you to the host? ...And, what kind of party is it?
If it's a dinner party, ALWAYS show up on time!!
If you just met the person, and its a new relationship, show up 30min in to the party.
If your close, show up on time! It's ALWAYS fun to be the first people to get the party started!
If it's your best friend...you BETTER be there before helping set up!
Never Show up Empty Handed ;)
ALWAYS show up with a bottle of wine or flowers. Yes, EVEN if it's not BYOB! Or text the host before and see if they need anything! The best guests show up to the rescue, when the host is stressing over forgetting to get ice, or whatever it is that their party is missing. If they don't need anything... then an extra bottle of wine won't hurt! It's also a nice way of saying "Thank you for having us"!
What to Wear
Here's this year's inspo
Hair & Make Up
Here's this year's inspo
Also, here's a link to a warm holiday makeup tutorial that I made!
Happy Holidays!